Palea prides it self on being self ruled, having overthrown a very corrupt King over a hundred years previously, and replacing him (and his line)with an elected Council. This democratic approach permeates the country, with regular elections and local assemblies existing alongside a remnant of noble classes and influential land owners.
On parchment, it’s a Republic.
In practice it’s a bureaucracy.
In Palea, the Guilds pull the strings, influencing who stands for elections (and often who wins them too). Paperwork, and papers have become an essential part of how the country works, with a need for permits and permissions sitting alongside a slew of regulations and inspectors who over see them. Citizens have greater rights than visitors or economic immigrants, and a non-citizen needs support from both local citizens and an influential Guild to obtain citizenship. Marrying a citizens doesn’t automatically convey citizens rights – although there does tend to be greater leniency in those sort of cases.
Medium of Exchange: Gold Nails, Silver Strikes, and Stamped ‘chits’ of various metals. A gold nail is worth 16 strikes, a half nail eight. Chits are issued and stamped by the major Guilds A half Strike is worth a ten master chits, or twenty Journey chits (whichever Guild has issued them). So 40 j-chits make a full strike, and there are 640 to a nail. (Average wage is around two strikes a week …
There are four prominent cities in Palea – Luksandon, the principle port; Atherstone, home of the rebellion and the master Guildhalls; Kingseat, the old capital (built on a spire of rock among the salt marshes; and Fairfield, where, at the annual fair, is held the largest stock market in the country.
The Palean Council meets in Atherstone most often, although they do rotate their meetings between here, Kingseat, and Freespire so that the people can witness their deliberations if they choose.